Packaging: 3/5
Quality (Of makeup): 3/5
Price: 0/5
Overall rating: 2/5
I wanted to love this product, I honestly did. When I first laid eyes on the promotional pictures I fell in love, but it just went downhill from there. Compared to all the previous (all metal) charms this seems lacking that certain WOW factor that made me buy all the rest. Something that the previous "charm" (the Night Diamond Palette) also lacked. To be honest the packaging is nice, but it's not THAT nice and the cloth they used seems just a little, how do I put this, crappy. It is however fairly waited for a key chain/purse charm (Plus to me, minus for others) and I can't really imagine using it for that purpose, I currently just use it as a compact.
Okay now to the colours, I believe Sephora has one that is both pinks but this one has a deep berry colour and a pinkish highlighter. Not that I hate the colours but once again like the packaging it is so-so, nothing special. Actually I'm not that big a fan as the berry colour is REALLY SHEER! You're probably thinking, it can't be THAT sheer, but honestly it is. I have to put on layers upon layers just for it to have a slight tint of colour on me (NC30).
I have heard from my SA's that Dior will be releasing a "Jewel" for the summer charm this year though, which has me a little excited but I have learned to be skeptical. Honestly Dior hasn't been catching my eye lately, the colours are getting bland and are always the same. The Dior iridescent eyeshadows are wayyy to shimmery and too little pigmentation IMO (Think of a reflection). Dior, honestly I loved you. I've spend over 1500 on your cosmetics, but please if you don't come out with good charms again and make them with quality ... I will leave you.
MAC mineralize skinfinish compared to the Lady Dior Charm.
My comment has absolutely nothing to do with Dior lol but anw, just wondering if you guys have seen the new Cremesheens and the Hello Kitty stuff yet? I remember one of you's also NC30 like me, so I kinda want to get your opinion on Lickable (cremsheen) and Strayin' (hello kitty) and which would be more complementary with NC30. We're not going to get Cremesheen in France so I was thinking that if Lickable's nicer, I'll swap for it. But if I swap for it and Lickable sucks, imma shoot myself for not getting Strayin'. Complicated story. Help, pretty please?
Hello there Sylvie!
I love both colours! However, for NC30 I find that Lickable is a bit more complementary than Strayin'. Strayin', though a gorgeous colour is a bit more on the cool side. Lickable is a little brighter though, I think a good comparison might be Girl out of Town and Lickable (though I haven't swatched them side by side yet).
Thanks for commenting!
- Brenda
Oh I just realized I should probably go a little more in depth (Sorry studying while doing this). Lickable isn't as bright as girl about town but is basically the same (Just a little toned down), Strayin' is of the same family but much more toned down(Paler) and cool. By themselves I find lickable works better, HOWEVER I have seen some recent swatches of Nice to be nice l/g (Orange)over Strayin and it is instantly warmed up and completely wearable for NC30. I personally don't have Nice to be nice L/g (Kicking myself for that) but I would definitely try that out before swapping for lickable. Just a question, where do you swap?
Hey! Sorry I didn't see your replies... apparently I forgot to check the box that says to email me when you reply =P I swap on MUA. Anw, Hello Kitty arrived and I bought Strayin' anyway. My Lickable's coming in the mail (just swapped it) and I quite like Strayin'. Now I'm even more excited about Lickable since it seems to be so much better!
Oh btw, I did a makeup lesson at MAC. It was really great and I went home with my own face chart! I usually do dramatic eyes (daily) so I thought I'd try a neutral look. And I also changed foundation (I use Studio Fix powder which I don't see as a foundation). Going to be using Select Tint now but I haven't decided what brush I'd use it with. And OMG I bought like nearly 300eur of MAC stuff and I still want more! I need help.
LOL, oh wow that's ...a lot more then I can afford right now! I'll be doing a MAC seminar in about 2 weeks, I'm so excited! I hope that you will like Lickable!
So anw, I usually use powder products but I recently bought Select Tint (tinted moisturizer) and
a cream colour base as cheek highlight so I got the 187. If you were me, would you take your 187 back and change it for a 190 and a 188? (the MA used 190 for the TM and 188 for the ccb). What's bugging me is that 190 applies slightly thicker than the 187 does, but seeing it's a TM, I don't know if applying sheerer is better. And secondly, 187 is definitely too big for highlight but I could narrow it down, that's no problem. It's just a whole dilemma, I can't decide.
Oh and btw, which part of Canada do you guys live in? I got swaplifted big time by someone living in Ontario (that's what ON stands for right?). I was swapping my spiced chocolate quad, BN jampacked lipglass and a BN lipstick for her 109 and 188 but then one night after I sent out the package, I found out from many other MUA users that she was a swaplifter. CRAP.
Hello Sylvie!
Personally if you like your foundation more sheer then the 190 gives you I'd stick with the 187 to apply foundation. You don't need to worry about it being a TM as the spf factor is unaffected by the amount and in general we only need about the size of a pea or two for moisturizer. I personally use the 191 for foundation (It's more sheer then the 190 in application I find as it is more firm but it's still heavier then the 187).As for the cheek highlight I would go for the 188, it's smaller so if you ever needed to cover more area you just have to go over more area instead of trying to shrink down your 187 all the time.
Aw that's horrible! We're on the west side of Canada. Sorry to hear that you got swaplifted, I know how it feels =/ I got swaplifted by one girl in the UK for a few of my Dior lipglosses. If you don't have this site already it's really handy for detecting possible swaplifters on MUA.
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