You'll notice I rarely to never take close up pictures of my eye, this is mainly due to my camera. I will when I get my Canon Rebel XSI (Oh why must you cost so damn much you gorgeous hunk of metal?!)
Haha you can totally see my messed up eyes that day (Lack of sleep) in this picture
Eyes: UDPP, MAC Swimming E/S, MAC Juxt E/S, MAC Danger Zone mineral trio E/S (Black only)*, MAC Goldmine E/S, MAC Nylon E/S, Diorshow Iconic
Lips: MAC prep +Prime lips, Benefit d'liner d'finer, MAC So Scarlet L/S*, Diorkiss Cherry blossom (D/C)L/G*
Cheeks: MAC Blooming blush*
Possible dupes:
*MAC Danger Zone Mineral trio (Black) = Black tied
*MAC So Scarlet = Dubonet (closest I can think of)
*DiorKiss Snow Cherry (D/C) L/G = Flusterrose Lustreglass
*Blooming =Dame
Okay this is going to be quick and easy, it's one of my fast but dramatic looks.
Eyes: Udpp all over lid. Using 239 apply Swimming e/s from the crease down, using same brush on inner lid apply a light amount of Goldmine e/s, middle lid apply Juxt e/s, and outer lid apply a LITTLE BIT of the black e/s, blend with 217 brush and apply Nylon from crease up and blend some more. Little bit of Juxt lining the outer lower lid, throw on a bit of mascara and you're done the eyes.
Cheeks: Blooming blush of course.
Lips: Prep +Prime lips, D'finer d'liner outlining the lips and DAB on So Scarlet lightly (If you go from tube like I do) apply a little bit of Diorkiss Snow Cherry on top and you're good to go.
Once again I'm so sorry about not posting More often, I really will try as I have a few ideas to work from I just need to get them down. Stay gorgeous!
-Brenda hungry, Brenda want food.
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