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Hello hello m'dears how are you this pleasant Saturday afternoon? Alright so I was playing makeup today (big surprise that is) so I decided to do a FOTD (Finally right?!) and this is a look I wore awhile ago but did today just for you, you may notice it's a little uneven and I have a perfect excuse for that, my have been a little wonky for the past few days so the crease isn't were it normally is (Plus I have an extra crease on both eyes O_O). I hope it isn't THAT noticeable, but I like this look because the colours aren't what people normally expect and you can always replace the yellow with a gold colour (MAC Gorgeous Gold E/S) or the purple with a teal colour (MAC Electric Eel E/S)
Eyes: UDPP, MAC Satellite Dreams E/S, MAC Chrome yellow E/S (If you find this too intense go for Gorgeous Gold E/S) , Diorshow IconicCheeks: MAC Pinch me blushLips: MAC Freckletone L/S, MAC Pink Lemonade L/GEyes: Alright plain and simple UDPP and then Chrome yellow on the inner lid don't go past it or you'll have some ugly colour between your purple and yellow. Satellite dreams for the rest (Up to the crease only), blend a little bit between the two and following the top lid do the same on the lower lid, then add mascara and you're done for the eyes. Easy, no?Cheeks: Add pinch me blush Lips: I covered my lips with concealer first since it was stained from the red lipstick I was wearing, added Freckletone over top and then added Pink Lemonade using a lipbrush.And you're done! Fast and easy.
And look Teal (MAC Cool Heat LE E/S) and Hot pink (MAC Girl about town L/S + Dior highshine addict Nude Silhouette L/S!)
Anyways how is everyone doing, your weekend going well so far? How was your Black Friday (US)? Personally I can't wait til Boxing day (CAD) I'm going to CHARGE IT!-Brenda
(DEC 19th EDIT: Alright so look what I found! I was just blog surfing and I found this look which was posted 2 days before I posted, I like hers a little better though lol. LINK )
Alright we all know that the economy is bad at the moment and Christmas is around the corner s we want to save as much as we can, personally I should follow my own advice as I'm a HUGE makeup junkie (trying to save for a major brush, hello kitty, and MAC pro haul though). Along my addiction I learned that there are a few things that we can do to save, every little bit counts....really.Mascaras: Alright we all know that there are bacteria and stuff unless you use disposable mascara wands or a mascara brush, but some people tend to complain about their mascaras drying out. Well one thing I also noticed is that many women tend to try to get more product on the brush by pumping it in and out of the bottle, and this traps air in the mascara causing it to dry out faster! Instead when you want more mascara SWIRL! this way you get your mascara on the brush, get product you wouldn't normally from pumping it, and it doesn't dry out as fast!
Colours: Alright, I have like 20 red lipsticks but to be honest does anyone really NEED that many? This applies to eye shadows and blushes as well! If you're looking for more shades try drugstore brands, they're cheaper, or just try mixing colours you have now! Like pinks with browns and you get a nice rose colour! Restrain yourself from buying dupes of colours you have, honestly you don't need it.
Multi-purpose: Alright we hear about multi-purpose makeup all the time now, but it cost more then just buying the separate pieces sometimes (ie: NARS the multiple) one lipstick could do everything they do, and maybe more! Viva Glam V doubles as a nice blush, and blush works on the eyes for a nice effect as well! Try to find more uses for your makeup, it helps you save yourself from buying ANOTHER blush.
Do your research: I can't stress this one enough, there have been multiple times I haven't checked ratings bought something and completely regretted it. The makeup alley is a good place to start (Google it, I'm a little lost on the web url right now)Return what doesn't work: Okay I'm not to like returning but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Here are a few little excuses for you if you're having a little trouble.
-Just be honest, places like MAC and Sephora are nice about returns. - It caused an allergic reaction
- It irritated my skin/eyes/lips
- The smell is much to strong!
Make your own tinted moisturizer: tinted moisturizer is expensive! So just make you own, it's only a blend of moisturizer and liquid foundation!
BTW: Starbucks napkins, make great blotting papers!
Budget: Alright this one is common sense, can you really afford to buy it right now without giving up food, and other necessities of life? Should you buy it at all? Do you need it? Why do I want it? Will I feel guilty after wards? On an interesting note lipstick sales go up when the economy goes down. Alright so next time you do some shopping try to consider these things, and if that fails try to think about a poor little Ethiopian girl who doesn't even have food while you're staring at that eyeshadow.-Brenda
Alright, I'm sure many of us have been through some red troubles. Me personally, I took a long time to get my technique down so I am sharing with you:
1. Choosing your red: Depends on what you like really and what compliments your skin tone. BUT if you're a coffee drinker like me and have yellow teeth (Sigh, one day pearly whites I'll see you again) avoid yellow, coral, orange based reds they will only make the yellowness more noticeable! Instead choose pink and blue based reds.2. You have to have smooth well exfoliated lips and moisturized (Especially if you're going matte!). To exfoliate try some olive oil and sugar, works and your lips taste yummy after wards (Or you can just go buy a LIP exfoliate). Now moisturize your lips with a chap stick (This entire process if easier if you moisturize your lips regularly, drink lots of water, and exfoliate about once a week)3. Alright time to line, you can pick something either much darker then your desired lipstick, slightly darker, or colourless. I use colourless (benefit d'finer d'liner, Too faced borderline, Urban decay lip liner in clear), if you want to make your lips a little more plump looking line right outside the lip line, if you want more of your natural lip shape line on or a little below your lip line. You can either use a lip primer next or you can use your lip liner to fill in your lips.4. Now your lips are all ready for your red, you have the choice of powdering now (I don't) because for some people it helps the lasting power. Apply the red lipstick (my favorite at the moment is MAC Lady Bug) either from the tube (which I ALWAYS DO) or using a lip brush, lip brush tends to tone down the colour no matter how many layers you put and from the tube is more intense and true to the colour you see in the tube. Avoid going out of the line because red does stain skin more noticeably but if you do don't fret, wipe it off and keep going I'll tell you how to fix it in a bit. Add setting powder on top to make it matte if you like.
5. Alright now your lips are looking smoking (Except maybe a stain or two) but even the best of us have a hard time getting that perfectly lined and even red lips we see in photographs. And here is the secret, CONCEALER! Take a concealer brush and line the outside of your smoking hot red lips with concealer and blend it outwards away from the lips but the lipline around the lips should be close to perfection (if it isn't perfect already). Keep your lipstick with you because red does tend to fade and you're set to go!It's only Tuesday?! Oh god, this is going to be a long week... How are you holding up?
Who has the coolest caddy hat (with lace racing stripes!) in the land? I do!
Hiya ladies (And gentlemen)! How are you all today? Anyways it's been awhile I know but please bear with us, it's finals in about 2 weeks and I still have exams and such in my classes. So today's face of the day is a look I find I get the most compliments from, it's fast and easy but it definitely gets noticed.This one is simple, but it takes a bit of practice. (Oh man I'm pale as a ghost and my blush still never shows up!)Eyes: Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner in Black ink, 209 brush, Diorshow Blackout, Diorshow brow, Guerlain Kohl powder in blackLips: Your drop dead gorgeous red gloss or lipstick =) (First photo is cult of cherry + russian red lipglasses, second is So Scarlet lipstick)Cheeks: MAC breath of plum blush (Or any sheertone really)Possible dupes:Guerlain Kohl powder: MAC Technakohl in GraphblackBobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner: MAC Fluidline in Black TrackEyes: This requires precision, using the 209 MAC brush I usually line the upper lash line first no flicks at the end no nothing that comes later. Then I line the lower lash line and following the lower lash line flick out the end and extend a little bit towards the tip of your eyebrows. For the inner corner follow the upper lash line (pick a point on the nose that seems reasonable and try to make both eyes point to that point) and connect to the lower lash line. Add kohl liner to waterline for that extra drama, gel your brows, add mascara and you're done! Easier said then done so keep some makeup remover close by!Blush: Make those apples (Of your cheek of course) look delicious by dusting a bit of light blush on.Lips: I will be doing a red lips tutorial or something a little later but for now all you need to know is, line and fill.
And there you have it!Anyways, how has your week been so far? I hope pleasant with all the information of the gorgeous upcoming MAC releases! If you haven't heard I suggest you click these links PRONTO!MonogramHello KittyTemptalia always has the latest info on new and upcoming releases so go check out her site if you haven't already!Temptalia-
Oh I know it's been awhile and I deeply apologize for that, when we started this blog I promised myself I'd try hard to keep it a regular thing (And that is NOT happening right now). *Sigh* if only school wasn't so stressful... Anyways I haven't been doing any makeup lately so this is a look for awhile back of which I still remember the products used (YAY!) I feel like I'm kind of cheating but...really I need a break.
You'll notice I rarely to never take close up pictures of my eye, this is mainly due to my camera. I will when I get my Canon Rebel XSI (Oh why must you cost so damn much you gorgeous hunk of metal?!)
Haha you can totally see my messed up eyes that day (Lack of sleep) in this pictureEyes: UDPP, MAC Swimming E/S, MAC Juxt E/S, MAC Danger Zone mineral trio E/S (Black only)*, MAC Goldmine E/S, MAC Nylon E/S, Diorshow Iconic
Lips: MAC prep +Prime lips, Benefit d'liner d'finer, MAC So Scarlet L/S*, Diorkiss Cherry blossom (D/C)L/G*Cheeks: MAC Blooming blush*
Possible dupes:
*MAC Danger Zone Mineral trio (Black) = Black tied
*MAC So Scarlet = Dubonet (closest I can think of)
*DiorKiss Snow Cherry (D/C) L/G = Flusterrose Lustreglass
*Blooming =DameOkay this is going to be quick and easy, it's one of my fast but dramatic looks.Eyes: Udpp all over lid. Using 239 apply Swimming e/s from the crease down, using same brush on inner lid apply a light amount of Goldmine e/s, middle lid apply Juxt e/s, and outer lid apply a LITTLE BIT of the black e/s, blend with 217 brush and apply Nylon from crease up and blend some more. Little bit of Juxt lining the outer lower lid, throw on a bit of mascara and you're done the eyes.
Cheeks: Blooming blush of course.
Lips: Prep +Prime lips, D'finer d'liner outlining the lips and DAB on So Scarlet lightly (If you go from tube like I do) apply a little bit of Diorkiss Snow Cherry on top and you're good to go.
Once again I'm so sorry about not posting More often, I really will try as I have a few ideas to work from I just need to get them down. Stay gorgeous!-Brenda hungry, Brenda want food.
Hello lovelies~Christina here! I found out my midterm was suddenly moved to ..... *DUN DUN DUN* FRIDAY!Weeeeeeeeeeeeee... I can finally take somewhat of a break!! ANNNDD I can finally post my first FOTD =DYessss!So today, I was really bored and whipped out my purple liquid eye shadow from Anna Sui..It's a gorgeous purple and can be either really sheer or really intense depending on how you apply it.... which brings me to my FOTD!It's a tad simple, so please bear with me!roar... I should not have taken off the glasses.. but you can see it better this way (I usually wear glasses 24/7), my under-eye concealer has failed me in this picture HAHA *cries*
(DARN YOU UNEVEN LOOKING EYES! Please ignore the red eyes, I am allergic to everything in the air, I swear -____-.... I rely on eye drops 24/7 haha~)
Eyes: Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Anna Sui Liquid Eye Color (201), MAC Paint Pot (Blackground), Maybelline Define-a-brow (Medium Brown), MAC Tempting Eyes Quad (Next to Nothing), Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl Mascara (Black), Clinique Lash Power Mascara (Black Onyx), Anastasia Brow Gel (Clear)Face: MAC Select Moisturecover Concealer (NC20), Biotherm Forget It! Concealer (10), The Body Shop Lightening Touch (03), Physician's Formula Mineral Wear Talc-free Pressed Power (Translucent), Physician's Formula Multi-colored Powder Palette (Light Bronzer)Lips: Biotherm Nutrisource Levres Lip Balm, Dior Addict High Shine Lipstick (624 Cranberry Croquette)Quick Explanation of the LookFace:- Conceal spots/scars using MAC Select Moisturecover Concealer (NC20)- Conceal undereyes with Biotherm Forget It! Concealer (10)- Highlight around the eyes and on the bridge of your nose with The Body Shop Lightening Touch (03)- Dust Physician's Formula Multi-colored Powder Palette (Light Bronzer) on the hollows on your cheeks and long your chin up to the forehead area- Set everything with Physician's Formula Mineral Wear Talc-free Pressed Power (Translucent)Eyes:Firstttt!! Prime your eyes with Too Faced Shadow Insurance~All Over the Lid & Inner Lower Lashline: MAC Tempting Eyes Quad (Next to Nothing)Outer Corner & Outer Lower Lashline: Anna Sui Liquid Eye Color (201)Liner: MAC Paint Pot (Blackground) using an smudge brush and smudge the linerBrows: Maybelline Define-a-brow (Medium Brown), then set with Anastasia Brow Gel (Clear)Lashes: First put on the Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl Mascara (Black) (mind you this isn't the same as the Kiss Me mascara that "tubes" your lashes, this is a drugstore brand from Japan that is totally different!) on the upper lashes, then put Clinique Lash Power Mascara (Black Onyx) on the lower lashes (this stuff NEVER smudges!! *loves*)Lips:- Put Biotherm Nutrisource Levres Lip Balm on to moisturize those chapped lips!!- Leave it on for about 10 minutes so that it absorbs into your lips.- Apply Dior Addict High Shine Lipstick (624 Cranberry Croquette)and DONE~Sorry I couldn't make an extremely detailed explanation!!I took too long writing this, now I've gotten go prepare my presentation, memorize the presentation, and then practice for an interview examination T____TWish me luck!Much <3- Christina
We're so sorry guys~
We haven't posted in sooooo long!
Brenda and I are in stressful midterm time! *cries* ...and they're so close to FINALS!
Finals are in a few weeks :( gah!
But please keep checking back!! If we get a break, we'll probably try to squeeze in a post!
Trust me, LOTS more posts to come :)
Thanks to everyone who's read/commented/followed so far!
We love you all~!!!
Stay beautiful everyone~
Much <3
- Christina