Just to let everyone know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
There are many things that are being sold in order to support breast cancer research!
I encourage everyone to help out by getting something that supports it (ie. a pin) or just donate!!
This website has a lot of awesome stuff:
Pink Ribbon Shop
Also, Estee Lauder has limited edition collection called Pink Ribbon 2008 in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month! (Pictures from Estee Lauder Website)
Evelyn Lauder Lip Color Collection
Elizabeth Hurley Lip Color Collection
Jeweled Pink Ribbon Pin
Also, being a Coach fan, they have released a selection of Think Pink items as well! (Picture credits to Coach website)
Coach Site In Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I'll be sure to donate again this year~ I hope you will too!
Remember everyone: Think Pink!
Let's make a difference!!
Much <3
Damn it she beat me to it, I was just going to make this post today too! Anyways I'm continuing on this because it's a really important subject to me,though not many people know this (I like to keep personal stuff under wraps but since this is breast cancer awareness month hey why the hell not) about two years ago I noticed that there was spot traces of blood on my bra and didn't think much about it but when my parents found out they brought me to the doctors immediately. I went through numerous tests where sometimes they thought they saw a small lump and sometimes when they didn't find anything but to process scared the hell out of me.
They told me that there was a slight chance that I may have breast cancer but they don't believe I did so they'd keep checking, in the end they told me that they really couldn't find that lump they had in the first x-ray anymore so it was probably a mistake, and since the blood had gone away (though every now and then it comes back) I shouldn't have to worry. But even today I have to go for check-ups every 6 months, come to think of it I should be having one next week but just because of this experience I realized how horrible it would be if I was actually diagnosed with breast cancer, but every 3 mins someone is diagnosed which scares me and every 13 mins someone dies because of it, every time I walk into the clinic I'm completely terrified but hey that's the way life is.
In our lifetimes we will know at least one person who is affected by breast cancer, which is why it's always important to get regular mammograms and do regular self checks. Here is a few other links for those who might want to help out a bit but get something in return (Hey I'm not hating, I wouldn't mind getting a pretty little something back too, like, say, that coach key chain):
The Hudson Bay Company: Think Pink
Principessa: Awareness bottle (Totally cute bottle, I bought one sadly only $1 goes to the cause)
Clinique: Pink lipstick
Sephora: Products for a cause
Bobbi Brown: Think pink
Total Beauty: Breast Cancer awareness shopping guide
-Thinking about pinking it up Brenda
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